We can help you design your résumé, offer tips on writing it, help you with employment applications, 和更多的. We can help you with interviewing skills, give you tips on professional appearance, 并就如何在面试后跟进提供有价值的建议.
PG电子游戏邀请雇主参观PG电子游戏的校园,在你准备毕业的时候了解你, 帮助安排面试或就业前筛选(校内或校外), 和 talk about current 和 future job openings.*
你可以用任何对你来说最简单、最方便的方法来解决这个问题. 你与就业服务中心的第一次会面通常发生在你参观校园的时候. And later, you’ll see us in your Career Development class. But our door is always open any time you want to stop in.
你从职业服务中心得到的任何帮助——创建你的个人简历, 面试技巧, advice about professional dress, 和更多的 — is included in the cost of your tuition. (Additional requirements for certification may be required)
是的! 你的职业服务代表将与校园学术部门合作,确保你了解任何即将到来的认证考试,这些考试可能有助于提高你的资格,因为你希望进入你的职业.*
职业服务 can:*
Whether you’re a br和 new student or a long-time graduate, these services never expire, so take advantage of them 和 call us today!